Aurora and Awe

Aurora and Awe

By Sarah Hatfield, Education Coordinator In hindsight, I don’t actually remember the last time that my jaw literally hung open in awe. I forgot what it feels like to be so incredulous that you start to almost hum with excitement. The eclipse recently came close to...
Birding Everywhere

Birding Everywhere

By Katie Finch, Senior Nature Educator As I ran, I listened. I had already noted the cheery call of an American Robin and the persistent chips from a group of House Sparrows when I stepped out the door. A few steps up the road, I recognized the melancholy music from...
 The Joy of Mud

 The Joy of Mud

By Emma Roth, Nature Educator As part of an educator’s job at Audubon Community Nature Center, i act as a counselor for the camps Audubon offers, both week-long summer camps and single day camps on holidays when kids are off from school. It’s a fun job, seeing Audubon...
A Shared Moment Under the Eclipse

A Shared Moment Under the Eclipse

By Leigh Rovegno, Executive Director The whispers started weeks and months before. Would the eclipse bring thousands? Would we have enough parking? Would the sky even cooperate? A million unknowns hung over Audubon Community Nature Center like a pre-dawn mist. Then,...
Spring Starts and Stops

Spring Starts and Stops

By Chelsea Jandreau, Nature Educator Audubon just wrapped up our last weekend of Audubon Lights, where colorful lights and scenes illuminated one of the trails so people can head out after dusk. My favorite statement and the one I heard more than any other by people...