Otters, Minks, and Weasels

Otters, Minks, and Weasels

By Chelsea Jandreau, Senior Nature Educator There are animals you see so often they become part of the scenery. It is impossible to make a blanket statement about which animals those might be, as each person has a unique set of experiences, and dedicates their time...
The Corvus Amongst Us

The Corvus Amongst Us

By: Mac Dawson, Nature Educator Last week, driving home from Audubon Community Nature Center, my daughter and I were so captivated by a flock of crows that I had to pull over just to take it all in. The scene was incredible—thousands of crows crowded the neighborhood...
Wildlife through Car Windows

Wildlife through Car Windows

By Emma Roth, Nature Educator I’ve always been a wildlife watcher. It’s something that comes naturally when you spend any amount of time in nature. At some point, it takes more effort to ignore the animals than notice them when you are out and about hiking. They can...
Our Biggest Resolution 

Our Biggest Resolution 

By Mac Dawson, Nature Educator It’s about now we have a firm grip on the scope of our New Year’s resolutions. We did the easy part of planning and inspiring ourselves, and by now we’re starting to understand what committing to our goals really means and how it...
Frozen Precipitation

Frozen Precipitation

Chelsea Jandreau, Senior Nature Educator Western New York is fully committing to the business of winter this year. As I currently look at the weather forecast, most days ahead have at least a little bit of snowfall predicted, and there are definitely some differing...