Listening Point by Chelsea Jandreau

Listening Point by Chelsea Jandreau

There is a large contingent of the hiking community that lives for hiking fast. Often I am also one of those people. Pushing your physical limits and testing that mental stamina to keep your legs moving, to climb that mountain, or to make it through those next few...
Hemlock Home by Katie Finch

Hemlock Home by Katie Finch

For outdoor adventurers, the list of places to go is usually long. New discoveries, experiences, and challenges. Mountains to climb, rivers to paddle, sights to see. Or secret spots to come across and relax. I count myself as one of those adventurers. I love to go new...
Water is a Magnet by Jeff Tome

Water is a Magnet by Jeff Tome

Water is a magnet for children. They like to dam little creeks to create pools and whirlpools. Sticks are tossed into creeks from bridges to see how long it takes them to float underneath. Rocks are splashed and skipped through the water. Water is an attraction. I...