by auduboncnc | Sep 13, 2023 | Nature News
By Jeff Tome, Public Engagement Specialist People have all kinds of rituals to celebrate life that I think animals would just find weird. There are weddings, where large groups come together to celebrate a couple getting together. Animals have more personal rituals,...
by auduboncnc | Sep 8, 2023 | Nature News
By Emma Roth, Nature Educator Time moves faster as you age, or at least your perception of time does. This is a phenomenon that I’m sure many people have experienced; I certainly have. Summer months used to be endless as a child enjoying a break from school. Now they...
by auduboncnc | Aug 30, 2023 | Nature News
By Chelsea Jandreau, Nature Educator In most climates around the world and across the seasons, some variety of fungus is found, from those as big as your head to the microscopically small. Around here, those that prefer to grow directly from the ground are likely...
by auduboncnc | Aug 30, 2023 | Nature News
By Katie Finch, Senior Nature Educator While I still feel relatively young, the candles on my most recent birthday cake tell a different story. Some years go by and I don’t feel any older. But every so often, I can feel the accumulated years and the change they bring....
by auduboncnc | Aug 7, 2023 | Nature News
By Emma Roth, Nature Educator We are in the throes of summer camp at Audubon Community Nature Center. As such, I have been spending a lot of my time outdoors. The past two weeks, I’ve been lucky enough to work with our two specialty camps: Into the Woods, where we...
by auduboncnc | Aug 2, 2023 | Nature News, Summer
By Chelsea Jandreau Several years ago, I interned at an outdoor school in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. Like much of California, it tended to be dry for most of the year, with a somewhat wetter late winter and early spring. While there, I...
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