Planting Trees by Katie Finch

Planting Trees by Katie Finch

The time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve claims the title of “The Holiday Season”. However, I could make a case for spring as a strong runner up. I sit here both tired and energized from Volunteer Day, Audubon’s Earth Day celebration. After a morning of hard...
Beavers and Beaver Deceivers by Jeff Tome

Beavers and Beaver Deceivers by Jeff Tome

There was an odd scraping sound coming from the creek that was twenty feet from where I was standing. The noise was unmistakable, but impossible to describe. It sounded like a cross between chewing and the harsh grate of a rusty metal file. That description made no...
A Silent Spring by Margaret Foley

A Silent Spring by Margaret Foley

I don’t think I really appreciated how still and quiet winter was until spring has arrived. Suddenly, without fail, the world explodes with life — children run around their yards screaming or bouncing their basketballs while birds buzz and chirp in the trees nearby....
Discovery Walks by Sarah Hatfield

Discovery Walks by Sarah Hatfield

Starting just about now, the landscape begins to change dramatically from week to week. You walk the same trails, but new things emerge and appear. The spring season is a naturalist’s crunch time – there is so much to learn in such a short span. That little plant you...
Intricate Nature by Jeff Tome

Intricate Nature by Jeff Tome

One of the things that I find fascinating is how little we know about how nature works. To be sure, there is a lot of information out there that we do know, but so much more is unknown. Some things are pretty basic. Many people know that a food chain consists of a...
The Forest Experience by Jeff Tome

The Forest Experience by Jeff Tome

There is something amazing that happens when you camp in the same place year after year. My family has a Father’s Day tradition of camping in the Allegheny National Forest. Each year, we haul all of our gear to the same campsite in the same campground on the same...